Book Cover Designs
Client: OSU Press
Book Cover Designs with a range of scholar book front cover, spine, and back cover designs. Usually very long and wordy titles. Worked closely with the client to produce visually striking and professional designs that accurately represent the content and tone of each book.
The Ohio State University Illustrated History, Groeler
Consuming Fantasies, Sanders
The Dangerous Lover, Lutz
The Crisis of Action, Markovits
The Logic of Pre-Electoral Coalition Formation, Golder
Narrative Causalities, Kafalenos
Feminist Realism at the Fin de Siecle, Youngkin
Economics of Fantasy, Stockton
Reading Death in Ancient Rome, Erasmo
Modernist Heresies, Franke
Shadeland, Grace
Rimbaud, The Cost of Genius, Oxenhandler
Willing to know God, Barr
Oriental Shadows, Egan
Intratextual Baudelaire, Runyon